Friday, February 4, 2011

The light skinned/dark skinned thing

This is, to say the least, getting under MY skin. I understand the problems a majority of dark skinned sistah have to go through in this country. There is little representation of the beautiful dark skinned AA woman. Just like there is little representation of the beautiful full figured woman. But why does that give dark skinned/full figured women the right to look down upon, or even demonize, light skinned/skinny women?!?!

This topic comes up in a majority of blogs I read as well as conversations I've had with friends and even some family. It bothers me to no end because I feel that in praising one the other gets trampled on with a vengeance. From a personal perspective, I'm neither dark nor light, I'm more the caramel complected (if that's a word) in between. I'm also neither fat nor skinny. Once again I happen to be in the middle. But I'm called dark by light skinned chicks and yella by dark skinned chick, a skinny bitch by fat girls and...well no one's ever call me big. Thick yes, but that's a description I wear with pride :0)

Anyway what's with the light skin bashing? After all one of the beautiful things about the AA culture (and if you know me you know I don't see a lot in it in this day and age) is that we come in so many coloures.  From passing white to blue-black brown. Just because you're a yella chick doesn't mean you are better than anyone darker than you. And in the same respect just because you are a dark skinned woman doesn't make you any more special than woman lighter than you.

Everyone wants to be represented well. It's something about this human culture in general that people want to be seen in the best view to the masses as possible. It's also understandable that when one group is dehumanized by another they lash out by trying to dehumanized the group that put a negative image on them. We are all African American women, and honestly all of us want the same thing. To be loved for who we are. So quit with the "I'm a BEAUTIFUL BLACK woman and I'M authentically BLACK because my skin is darker than yours" and the "I'm BETTER than you because I'm LIGHTER and light skin is sooooo BEAUTIFUL." BS to the both of you!!!! You're beautiful because you are a woman. You are beautiful because you know how to groom yourself and keep up your appearance.  You are beautiful because you value yourself and walk with pride.  Your skin is just your souls clothing. It's not who you are. To you vain chicks out there... GET OVER YOURSELVES.


  1. When I first saw the title of this post, I literally rolled my eyes b/c I thought it was going to be another "light-skinned women are evil" post. I thank you for being so objective. I'm sick of the bashing that happens as if am supposed to apologize b/c am light. We are beautiful b/c we are women first like you said, then the blackness comes after. I think a lot of black women don't know how to see themselves as just women. Loved your blog.

  2. Thank you Udara. You are right, a lot of Black women don't know how to see themselves as Women first. I believe it's because for so many years we have been told we weren't women, we were property, we were nannies, we were cooks etc. We were everything under the sun but what all of us truly are. In today's society it seem the trend continues but of our (meaning women who refuse to wake the hell up) own making. We tell ourselves and our daughters that we are here for other people, that if we do enough someone will eventually take care of us. It doesn't work that way.


Please remember that just like a theory is not a law, an opinion is not fact. It is simply our view of how we see a certain situation. If you choose to comment please do so respectfully.